How to make your nail polish last

I ’ve been doing my own nails since Michael and I started dating (circa 2011) and he gifted me the SensatioNail at-home gel kit. Honestly guys, it’s so amazing and the LED lamp is still working to this day. My nail polish lasts two weeks and I can use any gel nail polish.

Now here’s the best thing ever, because I have about 50 (regular) polishes that I can’t use as gel— until I bought this product from SensatioNail. It is a top coat polish to gel that I put on as my last coat when using my regular polish! 🙌🏼

My friends – this is a game 👏🏼 changer👏🏼

I’ve been using this method for almost a year and am so happy with the results. So let me tell you how it works below:


What you’ll need:

  1. Rubbing alcohol or cleanser for nails & nail file
  2. Any polish primer
  3. Any base coat
  4. Any regular nail polish, any brand
  5. Polish-to-gel transformer top coat
  6. Gel LED lamp

Step 1: prep your nails

Make sure that all nail polish is off and you’ve filed, buffed, and cleansed (I use a lint-free wipe and rubbing alcohol) your nails.

Step 2: primer

Apply primer to your nail and let dry (I use this one and let dry for one minute)

Step 3: apply base coat

Apply one layer of base coat and let air dry for one minute. I use this one.

Step 4: apply 2 coats

Apply two coats of your nail polish of choice. This is my favorite part because i have about 50 shades and have been so bummed out before finding this solution because my nails live off of gel. They are so much stronger and healthier when I apply gel.

make sure to let your polish dry before going to step 5. I usually let them air dry for 10 minutes.

Step 5: apply polish to gel polish

Apply the one coat of the transformer

Step 6: wipe off layer

Immediately after applying transformer cure nails in LED lamp for 30 seconds. Use the same lint-free wipe with rubbing alcohol and wipe off the layer of gel.

Voila you are set for at least 10 days.

Have you used any at-home gel products? Let me know in the comments 👇🏼


He estado haciendo mis propias uñas desde que Michael y yo comenzamos a salir (alrededor de 2011) y él me regaló el kit de gel sensationail at home. Sinceramente, chicos, es increíble y la lámpara LED sigue funcionando hasta hoy. Mi esmalte de uñas dura dos semanas y puedo usar cualquier gel para uñas.

Ahora, aquí está lo mejor, porque tengo aproximadamente 50 pulimentos (regulares) que no puedo usar como gel, hasta que compré este producto de sensationail. ¡Es un esmalte de capa superior a gel que me puse como mi última capa cuando uso mi esmalte normal! 🙌🏼

Mis amigos, este es un juego 👏🏼 cambiador👏🏼

He estado usando este método durante casi un año y estoy muy contento con los resultados. Así que déjame decirte cómo funciona a continuación:

Lo que necesitarás:

– cualquier esmalte de uñas regular, cualquier marca

– Esmalte para cubrir con gel.

– Cualquier imprimación polaca.

– Lámpara LED de gel.

– Cualquier capa de base

– Alcohol para frotar o limpiador de uñas.

Paso 1: prepara tus uñas

Asegúrate de que todo el esmalte de uñas esté apagado y que hayas limado, pulido y limpiado (yo uso un paño sin pelusa y alcohol) tus uñas.

Paso 2: imprimación

Aplique imprimación en la uña y deje secar (uso esta y la dejo secar durante un minuto)

Paso 3: aplicar 2 capas

Aplique dos capas de su esmalte de uñas de elección. Esta es mi parte favorita porque tengo alrededor de 50 tonos y he estado tan destrozada antes de encontrar esta solución porque mis uñas viven del gel. Son mucho más fuertes y saludables cuando aplico gel.

* Asegúrese de dejar que el esmalte se seque antes de continuar con el paso 4. Por lo general, los dejo reposar durante 10 minutos.

Paso 4: aplicar el esmalte al gel para pulir

Aplique una capa del transformador y luego cure en la lámpara led durante 30 segundos.

Paso 5: limpie la capa

Use el mismo paño sin pelusa con alcohol y limpie la capa de gel

Voila usted está listo para al menos 10 días.

¿Has usado algún producto de gel para el hogar? Déjame saber en los comentarios 👇🏼

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42 thoughts on “How to make your nail polish last

  1. Your nails came out so beautiful! Gel / LED light cured nails are the only ones that last on me so I appreciate the fact you gave us a fairly cheaper alternative for home! It’s something I have to think about for the future 🙂


    1. thank you so much Cara. Let me know if you end up purchasing any at home products. I’d love to know how it comes out.


    1. mine always chip a day or two after as well. but i love this gel-to-polish method. i still am able to use my favorite brand of polish and they don’t chip.


  2. I have never used gel products at home and I am actually still recovering after a bad nail technician put gel wrong on my nails. He completely destroyed them so now I am taking a break and wait for them to get healthy again.


  3. These are great tips, thanks for sharing, I am always looking for a product to help my nail polish last longer!

    ~xo Sheree


    1. That was my issue for the longest time Tara. My hands shake all the time and it never comes out perfect but practice, practice, practice makes it easier for sure.


    1. i completely understand Betzy. I am a mom of twins and honestly never really used my gel system until after i had them and cherished the value of gel!


    1. Yes Marielle, they are amazing and there are so many economical ones. I think my husband spend $50 on the starter kit and its still working perfect today (6 years later)!


  4. Wow, I have been wondering how this light emitting device does and there it is. I would have to buy one and see how it works. Thanks for sharing!


  5. I actually haven’t tried nail polish, and this tips are very helpful to me. I will try to have it this weekend!


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